Gremace Eats Some Kids

Once i was a kid. I went to McDonalds once to get a happy meal. I went there and saw other kids. Ronald McDonald and his friends were there too. Gremace was there too. He looked very hungry and didnt have any pants on. and then he looked at the other kids and said "Yum. kids." That scared me and i ran into the bathroom

Grimace Gets Hungry

I went out of the bathroom after going pee, and Gremace grabbed a kid. He said "Yum. kids." and ate the kid's hand and head off. The kid pooped and peed himself and said "I m ded." and died. Grimace then ate him some more.

Grimace Dies

Then, some policemen and cops came in. They shot Grimace and he died 2. I went home without a happy meal. That made me mad. i was hungry for a cheesburger. Then Grimace breaks through my window and ate my toes. i dont have toes anymore. The end.